Lifestyle Philosophy

What Doesn’t Make You Stronger — Kills You Slowly

“What doesn’t kill me, makes me stronger”


You move up or down

When you don’t move up — you move down


Do you die?


But not immediately. Slowly

You die piece by piece

Real gruesome


How it works in practice is that life THROWS things at you

Throws challenges

Some are opportunities to move up — some are adversity to put you down

In a long run, however — it’s all the same

Both are challenges — which you either overcome — or succumb to

What you overcome makes you stronger

What you succumb to — kills (part of) you


Why part?

Because you don’t really just die because you gave up on your dreams, because you weren’t useful, because you did a bad job, because you didn’t capitalize on your opportunities, because you didn’t keep your word,

PART of you dies

Once you admit that you’re a failure — it’s done. The “successful” part of you is DEAD.

Once you admit that you are useless — it’s done. The useful and industrious and productive part of you is DEAD.

Once you once compromise your honor — it’s done. Your honor is dead.


The phenomenon of momentum is profoundly mysterious

Once you did something once — it’s so much easier to do it again

What you do every day — soon becomes difficult to NOT do!

It can work in your favour — or to your disadvantage


MIRACULOUSLY you can revive the DEAD, Jesus style

You can reverse the negative momentum

But that’s how difficult it is: it’s akin to reanimating the dead


Therefore vincit qui patitur,

“he conquers who endures”

Take it slow

ALWAYS keep your word

Build a momentum of small victories

And never let no nonsense put you down

View it as a beautiful, divine premonition of where you’re yet to improve, yet to bolster yourself, yet to strengthen.

Take full responsibility for whatever happens to you — because it really makes no matter WHY it happened and if it’s
“fair” or “unfair” or any of that petty nonsense — what matters is WHAT YOU MAKE OF IT,

If you let that negative reality put you down — you will STAY down — NEVER let that happen (this is the true meaning of “never give up”)

Let it STRENGTHEN you instead

Let it strengthen your system, strengthen your walls, strengthen your wills, strengthen your mind, strengthen your power