
Interpersonal Relations Heuristics

Interpersonal Relations Heuristics: 1) Be positive 2) Be genuine 3) Give value then 4) Treat everyone the same but keep ONLY the FEW of your CHOOSING     Be positive — unless you are positive you are negative. When you are negative you make others negative. It doesn’t matter who you are and what you …

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It Is Never The Point To Repress Anger

Anger is stupid. First we blame the outside world. Then we blame ourselves. First we blame the outside world, then we blame ourselves. We never enquire into the meaning of it. We are angry and we get aggressive to the world and then we are feeling bad and we call it madness and denounce it …

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Lifestyle Philosophy Spirituality

You Can’t Seek Freedom Ambitiously

Why all this ambition? You want to be something. And you want something for yourself. Hence you go on achieving and struggling and grappling.   Surely, all this effort, all this commitment, all those obligations, surely this all is very restricting, very confining. You can’t realise all your many fixed goals without adhering to them, …

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Modesty Is An Ideal Created By Immodest People

Who would you even talk about modesty?   What happens with the modesty when you crate an ideal out of it, when you make a virtue out of it? When modesty is a virtue, an end, a goal, does it not simply become a prideful mean of self-expansion?   All this talk about modesty, all …

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Lifestyle Philosophy Spirituality

Should And Could

Whatever you should do — enslaves you. Whatever you could do — liberates you.   It sounds almost too cliche yet living this simple mantra is entirely different then understanding it.   Once we were simply alive and there was no context to the living itself — just pure living. Once, there was no “should” …

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Lifestyle Spirituality

You Either Lost It, Seek It, Or Have It

Contentment. Happiness. Satisfaction. Completeness.   What is it and why do you not have it?   We are struggling, we are dissatisfied, we are in conflict. Where is contentment? Where is completeness? Where is PEACE?   You either lost is, seek it, or have it.   There really are only 3 types of people, those …

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Lifestyle Philosophy Spirituality

Pain Is A Result Of Conflict

Pain is a result of conflict. You are conflicted on the inside — hence you are in pain.   The conflict is between what-ought-to-be and what-is. What-is is that you want something, but you pretend you don’t want it. What-is is that you are something, but you want to be something else. Weather you attempt …

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Lifestyle Philosophy Spirituality

The REAL Power Is Only Liberation

There’s the society and all it’s power struggles and all the rest of this nonsense. We are ambitious, we are greedy, hence we battle. Surely, there need not be strife, need not be conflict, when we simply walk our own path, mind our own thing, cherish our own life, without looking at others, without trying …

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