Life is exploration. World is exploration. Progress is exploration. Discovery is exploration. Exploration comes before discovery. Before result. Before achievement. Before benefits. Before reputation Exploration is salient philosophically, spiritually. Results are subjective. Their relevance is merely relative. Exploration is a way of living, a lifestyle, a life’s philosophy. Fixation with result ruins …
Month: April 2019
To Lead One Must Lead Himself First
Most “leaders” become more attached to their following then their following is to them. I never would have believed the extent of this had I not come on twitter. I thought certain personalities were immune to social pressure and influence. Resolute, ready to LEAD. I was wrong. The fewest were. The phenomena …
There Is Only Unintelligence
there is not good and bad there is not proper and improper there is not friendly and hostile there is not kind and unkind not too modest not too ambitious not too clever not too ignorant not too aggressive not too weak there is only intelligent or not each problem must be met anew …
Beyond Entitlement
We collectively have an idea of What-One-Deserves, formed a posteriori. It’s an *OBSERVATION* It is thus not supposed to have predictive power. EVERYTHING YOU THINK YOU DESERVE, OR DON’T DESERVE, IS A LIE. Do you deserve the sun? Do you deserve a lambo? Do you deserve a horse? Do you deserve to …
Promises of Results
Don’t listen to the promises of results because tomorrow’s results are fucking useless. Unless you’re living authentically in this very moment — you are not living at all. When I read another public account of achievements, the inspiring “changes” which occurred in the “past few months” — all I can see are the poor fools …
Our Poorness
We live in the most abundant time in the history of mankind. No wonder we’re the poorest. The more we have — the more we could have. Greed creates more greed. Ambition creates more ambition. Need creates more need. Distraction prevents attention. Our material abundance causes us to neglect the spirit. We become spiritually poor, …
How We Are Poor
we struggle anxiously tumultuously tirelessly trying to get something trying to become something we take for granted the grand gift of life the infinite vastness of the world the immeasurable abundance since we value what we worked hard for we work hard so that we can value something effectively conditioning our sense of …
Believe in Someone
If you believe in someone then it’s never wrong to give another chance. If you don’t believe in someone then it’s never wrong NOT to give a single chance. There are infinitely many people in this planet. Those you believe in are more valuable then the rest of the planet. Those you don’t believe …
Part Of Something
part of something greater part of something lesser always part of something which is not something else part of something is still parting still not whole alone or in the group still separated, always separated not until we fully comprehend the gravity of the problem of separation it’s pervasive …
Reputation Deters You From Being Wrong
Reputation deters you from being wrong. You are now avert to making mistakes – so that you protect your reputation. But when you’re unwilling to be wrong — not only do you prevent yourself from learning — you also begin the movement of delusion. Eventually even the truths you built your reputation on become corrupted. …