Be careful with GIVING ADVICE. Yes, be wrong all the time. Yes, say whatever the fuck you want. Yes, explore. But be careful with WHO and WHAT you advice. Advice more competent person then yourself — you will likely come around as tryhard and insecure. Mind you if you’re wrong — it can just …
Month: June 2019
Achievements are Distractions
Achievements are distractions One should just take what he wants Achievement is prison Achievement is the slavemaster Need takes away freedom Need to achieve makes you a slave One should just take what he wants Anything more is grandiose delusion Anything less is resignation, defeat One must be really simple to …
There Actually Is Time For Everything
There actually is time for everything. There are things you will never get a chance to do again. It doesn’t matter for the past — but it does matter for today. There are things which you can only do today — you know you should, you know you want. You can’t do them tomorrow. It’s …
Incongruent Congruence
True congruence doesn’t look congruent from the outside — as it involves numerous incongruent-looking decisions. One who is truly devoted to reality — and so congruent in this devotion — will be changing his mind ALL THE TIME. To change one’s mind often is not the common perception of congruence. And …
The Poor, The Meaningless, The Free
Does it really matter who is rich and who is poor isn’t what really matters to know HOW TO LIVE? Everyone is rich in the XXI century western world. The only importance of the get-rich-game is freedom There is nothing truly valuable to gain with money But the price one pays for …
Words Are Beautiful But Not Serious
Aphorisms are universally aesthetic but only narrowly meaningful. We are writers first and humans second. We concern ourselves with words first and actions second. And even our actions only lead back to words and ideas: the titles and achievements and acquirements. Words are beautiful but are not serious. Actions are serious. …
True Vision
Lasting vision is truly just a prison No one who CHANGES has a lasting vision No one who is concerned with what is real can abide to a lasting vision What is vision? Doesn’t vision imply SEEING? Is seeing a fixed state — or is it an endless process? Vision is seeing. One SEES …
Peace Is An Acquired Taste
Peace is an acquired taste. Takes maturity to understand the value of peace. The world seems full of promise if only it could be conquered It can’t And the promises are false One learns the value peace in due time (or not)
XXI Century Token of Value
In a nihilistic society beauty is a natural token of value. We are truly reverting to picture writing. Beautiful faces in beautiful places are the representation of deliverance — an arrival at the paradise — the short-attention-span-XXI-century-divine-revelation. We crave god even more then we crave pleasure. Big tits don’t really promise indulgence. They …
The Truly Important Can Be Done In Head
The truly important can be done in head. You don’t need an office to make a decision. You don’t need a place in the world to figure out the world. All you ever need is your head.