“Something is better than nothing” is one maxim to actually change lives Your pompous new year’s resolutions are great way to boast drunkenly in the middle of the first night of this glorious forthcoming new year If you actually want changes — start small — and just make sure to stick with it. …
Month: December 2019
Pop Culture Reflects Us
Pop culture reflects us… and makes us, whether you’re “above it” or not Learn from your reflection of who you are You’re not so different than the POP culture Maybe it reflects the worst of you or maybe worst of you reflects it There’s a link some of us are trying to deny …
Healing The Symptoms
Its not just that healing the symptoms is not healing the causes — but that healing symptoms precludes healing causes, by making the problem invisible Healing the symptoms doesn’t just fail to address the problem — it actually makes it worse Therefore you should altogether avoid addressing symptoms or numbing yourself or distracting Because then …
Discard That Logic
Even if your excuses are perfectly sensible and logical — if you’re not where you want yourself to be — it’s time to discard (that) logic. The smarter you are the smarter are your excuses. If you can’t discard the excuses then discard both SMARTS and excuses — then go ahead and do something. DO …
Organization vs Discipline
People confuse good planning and organization with willpower and discipline. Very few can keep their promise not because of bad intentions but because good and actually accurate planning is extremely difficult No amount of discipline turns a garbage plan into a viable one The confusion results from the fact that most man actually lack both …
Your Disdain
If “lower levels” provoke disgust in you, provoke bitter mockery or criticism — you are likely not much “higher”, and bearing elements of those yourself Your disdain for failure betrays your own insecurity Your derision of the system betrays your own fecklessness in life Your cynicism betrays your inertia Your arrogance betrays doubts about your …
We’re Are Just Not Ready For Social Media
Yes, social media can be used positively or negatively Unfortunately it just happens that at the current level of our societal consciousness it is mostly used negatively. Drugs are an easy and disproportionate way to make oneself happy. Temporarily Social media are the same. Social media don’t necessarily have to be used as a …
You Delude You
Nothing can delude you but yourself — and once you’ve gotten over self-delusion — you’ve gotten over ALL delusion. World can’t delude you. World can only REVEAL to you. Or not reveal. But only you can delude you. World is very complicated and men are very misleading because you are very hopeful and …
Worst Version Of Yourself
if you can’t live with the worst version of yourself then you have no business talking about the best version the higher you climb the harder you fall — and though you end up in the same place — you will have to live with your fall, and you better be ready to live with …
Discriminate Not Hate
whether I hate you or love you whatever I label you or don’t label whether I offend you or please you doesn’t change the only thing of substance, and that’s: WHETHER you are USEFUL to me OR NOT just because I don’t want to associate with you doesn’t mean I hate you just because …