failure, weakness, inability, pain, suffering, humiliation are beautiful failure, weakness, inability, pain, suffering, humiliation are beautiful in how they dispel this grand illusion of your grandness you’re not grand whether you think you’re grand or think you’re shit you’re neither whether you think you’re grand or think you’re shit you do …
Month: February 2020
Miscommunication = Fraud
Anytime you fail to properly communicate you essentially unintentionally become a fraud You mislead Misleading is deceiving Deception is fraud Learn to communicate
thought is addiction like every other it’s most compelling yet it leaves you empty handed and if you muster enough strength to break the habit you are subtly rewarded and terribly exhausted! there comes a time when there is nothing in the material realm for you to get any more then there comes …
we are all dogs
we are all dogs there’s a thing we want and it poisons our minds entirely. we are all pathetic needy little dogs for it self-abasing completely before it
Everything You Ever Wanted Is Nothing
everything you ever wanted is nothing the moment you have what you wanted you don’t care not until you have what you wanted were you able to see it for what it is — nothing at all all the WANTING is your projection the real want is merely you doing “A” you …
If It Sound Like Nonsense It May As Well Be Nonsense
If it sounds like nonsense it may as well be nonsense. If it sounds like nonsense – you will not spend much time looking at it. One must be economical with his use of acumen. You can’t spend an hour looking at some stupid statement only to prove it is stupid. Nowadays it’s twice as …
You Only Don’t Need Help If You Can Do It Alone
you only don’t need help if you can do it alone you don’t need a teacher if you can learn by yourself you don’t need education if you can educate yourself you don’t need discipline if you can discipline yourself you don’t need a guide if you can lead yourself …
Meaning Is So Cheap
you can get “meaning” for cheap truth you can never get for cheap find any stupid game in which you score more $ on your account more kg on your barbell more likes under the picture of your tits more books read more places seen more alms given more pain meaning is so …
You Will Never Transform The World’s Conflict With Conflict
You will never transform the world’s conflict with conflict The world’s injustice — the rich getting richer, disempowered women, discrimination of minorities — real or not — it will never be transformed by fighting it You can’t solve conflicts with conflicts For as long as you view it as a struggle, as …
I’m elevated not because I elevated myself but because I elevate myself You’re lowly not because you’re low but because you don’t elevate yourself The moment I ceased doing more would be the moment I would be like you — useless and lowly and miserable The moment you did more would …