Accountability permits flexibility When you have no track record of being accountable — to others or to yourself — you can’t afford flexibility. You can’t afford flexibility because you have no proof that you will render desired results. Your flexibility will only aggravate your inability. When you have proven yourself time and time …
Month: July 2020
The Real “Positive”
The higher your state the more energy you have Struggle is exhausting Misery is exhausting Laziness is exhausting Procrastination is exhausting Problems are exhausting Stress is exhausting Anger is terribly fucking exhausting Sadness is exhausting Worrying is so, SO exhausting There’s no time for this You only have so much time and so …
The Illusion of Misfortune
whatever happens to you know that you can either resist it, be upset about it, cry over it, throw a fit or accept it and understand that every breath you take is more then you deserve more then you asked for but more then you deserve less then you asked for but more then you …
Extroverted Vs Introverted Is Void for Action Takers
Extroverted vs introverted is void for action takers Whether introverts exist and extroverts exist and whether you’re introverted or the opposite — you’d still rather be extroverted; And if you have any wills — you will be Let’s not get too deep into this concept and what it entails Let’s quote wiki …
Get Smarter
here’s a simple truth that i will notwithstanding repeat for every fool that fails to fully understand it: Get SMARTER first Yes, ACT first And yes, get smarter while you’re taking action But you will obviously get best results if you’re smart to begin with And you will likely get NO results if …
Crisis or Not – You Create Value – You Get Value
Crisis or not – you create value – you get value Literally one man with one innovation could double economy Sure we buy less garbage and we produce less garbage and we get less garbage What difference does it make? It’s garbage! What do you REALLY need? What you need you can …
Do Things Wrong on Purpose to Learn Why It’s Wrong
You know making mistakes is good because you learn Sometimes it makes sense to do things wrong on purpose If you explore — you will have made many mistakes either way; The NEW implies equal chance of it being an improvement or a step back Notwithstanding sometimes it makes sense to fuck things …
A Serious Doer
There is no excuse for not finishing the job That you suck is no excuse That your work sucks is no excuse That you compromise yourself is no excuse That the cost are sunk and you’re just wasting your time — it’s no excuse That’s because once you start justifying NOT finishing things …
Think How You Think
From time to time think about how you think Or else your “thinking” becomes routine and then it’s barren and not intelligent at all Think about thinking about thinking about thinking (…) There are layers of perceptions and conclusions buried under the layers of automatic thoughts Unbury them to release intelligence Ultimately Think …
Systems Naturally Complicate Themselves
Systems naturally complicate themselves Understanding innately entails simplifying Systems naturally become more complicated. Whatever expands — becomes larger and more complex You don’t have to make things more complicated. Things complicate themselves, naturally, innately You don’t have to make things more complicated nor should you Your job is to make things simpler As …