Lifestyle Spirituality

Gratitude Is Consciousness

True Gratitude is not some trick. Trick in which you talk yourself into being grateful and feed that brain with serotonin.


Gratitude is recognition.

Recognition is consciousness.

Gratitude is consciousness.


Gratitude is recognition. Recognition of the fact of being alive, the experience of existence, recognition of What-Is.

To be conscious is to be aware. To be conscious is to recognise.


This is true gratitude – spontaneous gratefulness, spontaneous love – arising from the place of consciousness.


You don’t have to cultivate Gratitude.

To be present is to be grateful.


Cultivation conceals seeds of compulsion. Act of cultivation betrays compulsive need to BE a certain way. This is no path to freedom.


True Gratitude is free. It is unpremeditated. It is genuine. It is not opposed by ungratefulness — because it has no opposite.

True Gratitude is Love.


Don’t cultivate more gratitude. Invite more intelligence, more consciousness into your life.

Stay in touch with yourself. Stay in touch with the whole. Stay in touch with what you love. Let this love – which is beyond you and me – let it engulf you.

This is gratitude.