
Old Age And Truth

Hoping there’s something glorifying about old age and edifying is as dangerous a belief as it is delusional.


One only becomes more godly with age because one finally starts giving though to one’s obviously imminent death.


Most men learn nothing from their experiences. So there goes the wisdom-with-experience argument.


Confusing exoteric with esoteric is how one should escape the truth, forever.

All the wordly knowledge will never teach you about death.

If you hope for deliverance at the end of your days — you will only receive the traitorous blessing of delusion.

You are not any more wise, spiritually. You’re just delusional now.


The Truth is instant. It does not depend on time. You do not collect it like it’s some fucking database.

There is nothing spiritually enlightening about old age, about the lifetime of experience.

If anything — it conceals the truth.

The truth that you are here, alive, with no name, no identity, no past, no future, no place, no salvation.