Lifestyle Philosophy

Expectations Promise Mediocrity

Expectations promise mediocrity.

Every expectation is a seed of countless limitations.

Every limitation is a drop from the heights of true excellence.


For the highest excellence to come into being – the path must be clear of impediments.

Every idea you have about the outcome will limit you drastically.

To excel one must forget about excelling. Every concept of success will cut your potential in half.


Rules are designed to facilitate mediocrity.

Forget the rules — if you’d rather be a loser then mediocre.

Forget the rules — if you’d rather be excellent then mediocre.


When you strive for Excellence — you either get nothing, or you get everything. There is no middle ground.


To explore the uncharted territory — is to be ready to be lost.

El Dorado is not on the map.

You find it and put it on the map – or you die forgotten.


One must be ready to achieve nothing in order to achieve everything.

Anything less then everything is a compromise and mediocrity.


To achieve everything is to not care about any of it – but the exploration itself.

This is the highest achievement – and it’s far beyond wordly recognition.


Exploration is free of expectations. Exploration doesn’t care about the promise. Exploration is born out of curiosity first – and not necessity.


Drop the expectations and EXPLORE.

You should never know mediocrity then.

Perhaps you should even know Excellence.