Philosophy Spirituality

There Is Only Unintelligence

there is not good and bad

there is not proper and improper

there is not friendly and hostile

there is not kind and unkind

not too modest not too ambitious

not too clever not too ignorant

not too aggressive not too weak

there is only intelligent

or not


each problem must be met anew

met intelligently

any ready solution is bound to misfit

it may fit more then other ready solutions but it can never fit as well as a custom made, intelligent solution


we love ready solutions and their comfort

we want to solve the problem of WHAT-TO-BE

some of us aspire to be powerful

some of us aspire to be wise

some of us want to be liked

some of us want to be good

some of us want to go to heaven and some of us want to make earth a heaven for themselves

what they all have in common is — they are all trying to fit the world, and themselves, into a ready template


obviously no template can contain the world

it can only contain your fear, to a degree

every day you can either meet the life ANEW,

or shut it down, disregard, reduce to a LABEL


all the ‘evil’ springs from our ignorance

we shape the world to our ignorant image

we destroy this perfect planet because we want to dominate it conquer it because we are exploitative, insecure, greedy

we conceal this seek desire under patina of ‘justice’, ‘development’, ‘knowledge’

all while we remain callous to the problems of our every day life

blind like a blind man

dull like a fucking rock


we are not perceptive and not intelligent

we don’t see our neighbour’s suffering

we don’t understand the predicaments of the psyche

we don’t appreciate the limitations of our perception, understanding

we don’t transcend personal ambition

we escape the freedom we are burdened with


this incompetence leads to a catastrophe

it can’t be fixed by any ready-solution

you can’t be ‘good’ if you are not profoundly intelligent, sensitive

you will eventually kill someone in the name of your god, or send him to hell


you must understand first

be intelligent