Lifestyle Philosophy Spirituality

We Label Each Other

The only way to threat someone badly is by deliberately hurting them.

You can’t be held accountable for not helping someone. Most can’t be helped.

“Good treatment”, “rules of conduct”, “good behaviour” — all these are constructs. It’s subjective “good”, agreed “good”, and not objective.

We have a habit of labelling things. This habit makes us suffer twofold:

1) it limits our thinking and makes the mind dull;

2) we actually believe labels attached to us, by others, and by ourselves;

The former is suffocating and the latter distressing.

We label others good and bad based on how we feel about them, based on their usefulness to us.

We believe these labels. Labels we attach and labels that were attached to us.

No one is good or bad. There is only unintelligence. Unintelligence and confusion.

You don’t have to interact with the confused – but they are not going to hell. The only hell they deserve is the hell they themselves are invariably creating, on this planet.

You are not good or bad.

Definitely no stupid fucking label can make you good or bad.

And unless you deliberately hurt someone — you are not mistreating them.

If anything — you’re merely withholding. You could give but there is only so much one can give.

We get labelled all the time in our relationships. In our daily encounters. We believe these labels.

You don’t kiss her in the cheek, she won’t make you your fucking coffee — and you label each other — and you both actually believe the labels you put on each other.

You feel bad. She feels bad. You run around possessed by your notion of good and bad and labelling everything around you.

Give. Give love. Be kind.

You don’t owe nobody.

No one can label you.

Go around give love be loved. You’re not good or bad.