Lifestyle Philosophy Spirituality

“Perfect Mind”

Perfect mind is an EVER-CHANGING, ANTIFRAGILE WHOLE — detached from it’s infinite expandable, fragile parts.


Weak, fragile mind is one relying on the survival of it’s content.


The more you believe something the more you attach yourself, you attach your mind — then DEPENDENT on it.

The entire identity crushes with it’s foundation invalidated. And the mind itself is rendered useless — for it’s effectiveness was only relevant within the previous, invalid paradigm.


We witness fragile minds attach themselves to ideas, see they become pervaded with ideology – which can be innocent at first – yet turns into a violent conflict.

We’ve seen the extremeness and blindness of dogma, how it turns sane people into madmen.

We probably know someone we’d rather avoid addressing certain topics with.

The mind is very keen on self-preservation. It becomes violent when this is endangered.

Fragile, dogmatic minds are extremely brittle.


There is not a single truth you should not be ready to discard.

The moment you attach yourself to your little comfort of conviction — it becomes your undoing.

It dulls your mind, dulls your intelligence, while making your psyche vulnerable


Mental attitudes make you fragile too.

Rely on a mental attitude – and you make yourself vulnerable. And inflexible.

The more you rely on an attitude – the more damage you’ll incur, should life demand different solutions.


“Antifragile strives on randomness”,

Perfect, antifragile mind sharpens itself on constant challenge, constant change, inflow of the NEW.


Obviously antifragile strives on randomness.

Life is random.

Unless it adapts to randomness – it is bound to perish.


Weak minds are really weak. Utterly useless. Brain atrophies like muscles do. Weak mind tends to get stuck in some very rigid paradigm, semi-robustly languishing, unless the life forces change, in which it’s fragile beliefs-structure collapse.


Challenge your psyche by chaos,

Do the opposite of what you have done before,

Argument the opposite of what you believed before,

Don’t ever stay in one place, psychologically, physically, intellectually. It should dull your body, dull your psyche, dull your mind.

Obviously stay away from any ideology. It’s all nonsense which rottens the brain

Kill your mother kill your father kill your guru. Your faith in them will be your undoing.

Let DIE of all that you KNOW.