Lifestyle Philosophy Spirituality World

I Don’t Believe In Hard Work But I Do Believe In Love


I don’t believe in hard work but I do believe in love.


“Hard” implies hardship. I don’t invite hardship to my short life. I don’t invite more hardship to this tormented world.

And I definitely don’t believe HARDSHIP anyhow aids Creation.


Love aids creation.

Love brings life into this world, and love brings THINGS into this world.

Love things, love the doing of things, and love the fruit it bears.


In an egotic paradigm you must get one up on your brother. It must ultimately be hard for him, hard for you, or hard for both of you. The result is the loss for one of you and sacrifice for either one of you.


In a love paradigm everybody wins.

You sacrifice nothing because you do what you love.

Everybody gains because you claim no ownership over your creation.


Hard work is a paradigm within the Zero-sum game paradigm. ‘Hardship’ invariably happens when there is competition for limited resources. Resources of any kind: physical, psychological.


It ultimately happens that our competition precedes the scarcity of resources. We SET ourselves the limits so that we can compete for them.

Then we struggle.


We must LOVE first

Love what we do

Love what we give

Love what we receive

Love who we meet

There really is no other way


Without love there is always struggle

Without love you are always alone, always struggling to survive, always breaking, always conflicted, never whole