Lifestyle Philosophy Spirituality

Achievements are Distractions


Achievements are distractions

One should just take what he wants


Achievement is prison

Achievement is the slavemaster

Need takes away freedom

Need to achieve makes you a slave


One should just take what he wants

Anything more is grandiose delusion

Anything less is resignation, defeat


One must be really simple to take what he wants

Else he’s stuck in the movement of “trying to get what he wants”,

or worse yet, in the movement of achievement

It’s a dissatisfying life of chasing the wind, always one step behind what one truly wants, who one truly is


Unless one is simple one can’t see what one wants

what to do

who he is

he will only see ideas, concepts, projections

thus stuck forever in the game of ideas, game of projections, game of “achievements” and “goals”


Simple one just takes what he wants

eats when he’s hungry

drinks when he’s thirsty

sleeps when he’s sleepy

works when work is due

run when running is due

lays on his back when due


It’s best to live simple and without concepts and without the concept of achievement

without the subsequent pride and ego

without the compulsiveness of sustaining the entire mirage


We don’t want most what we think we want

We don’t know most of what we actually want

With more effort you can get more of what you DON’T WANT

But with more simplicity and understanding — you may actually get what you want


Please be simple

Go about your life attentively, with care

Watch how you feel watch the thoughts occurring watch what you need watch what you want watch what makes you smile

Please be very attentive and you may perhaps discover what life really is

Where your place really is

What you really want