
No One Really Gets Away With Anything



No one really gets away with anything.


The wrongdoer is not coming from a happy place. The wrongdoer is already coming from a place of dissatisfaction, fear and strife.

It’s a dark place to be — and it’s only getting darker.


Should you really ever be upset with anybody?

Can’t you see the misery which presupposes the wrongdoing?

Only upset people upset other people.


You only “gain” from getting one up if you play zero-sum games,

Humanity got rich from playing non-zero-sum games.

Zero-sum games only make you richer then your neighbour.


“Making the world a better place” is not as noble as it is reasonable.

Once you’ve made the world a better place — it’s a bit more likely to stay that way. More likely then if you made YOUR world a better place. Especially if you did at the expense of your brother.


Karma obviously comes back.

World of backstabbers is a world where you get stabbed in the back.

Obviously YOU make the world. That’s because society comprises of INDIVIDUALS.


Therefore no one really gets away with anything


Justice, punishment – those are fallacious concepts.

The only justice are the consequences of actions.

One choses, justice or not,to stay way from shady people — and that’s all the justice they deserve.

Loneliness hurts. Social rejection hurts. Being a “bad person” hurts. It hurts very much.

Truly, no one really gets away with anything.