
“Passion” is Not an Idea, Not an Ideal


If you followed your passion you are likely naive

But if you didn’t — don’t ask me why your life doesn’t seem to be worth it


Go ahead and check the box on this imperative problem of SURVIVING,

Then go do whatever the fuck you want


If you are 1000% passionate about the hustle then go hustle it up,

If it requires any discipline — it means you are conflicted

if you are conflicted — you have to go back to the start. Otherwise you’ll be building on sand. The crush is inevitable.

Unless you are 1000% passionate about what you do — it’s not worth it (unless it’s 1000% inevitable — which it is not)


We over-complicate the matter,

To be rich to be happy to be healthy to be wise to be this to be that…

One ought to forget these CONCEPTS and live simply first,

only then should he bother about living “well”, living smartly


Once you know how to live, know what you want,

you can live well,

you can live smart,

you can leverage your passion (and subsequent “specific knowledge”, as @Naval would put it)

but there’s nothing to leverage when you hate yourself, your life and your work


Expectations are not your friends,

When there is expectation — passion is not,

Unless you love it so much that you are willing to lose — you have already lost,

A life of freedom is that when you have nothing to lose


“Following one’s passion” is not an idea, or an ideal,

it’s the only way to live

You come into this world and you DO exactly what you WANT,

…unless you are conflicted about WHAT you want, and conflicted you are.

To a simple man of simple life — following one’s passions is the default state

He is passionate about hunting, passionate about his (new) cave, passionate about his wife.


XXI century man has everything to choose from to be passionate about,

You don’t have to be passionate about hunting. You don’t even have to be passionate about your wife! You can be passionate about cosmos exploration, about splitting the atom,

or about singing a song, making a picture, telling a story.


Please be simple

The problem of “passion” is not a perplexing one but a matter of living simply

The simpler you live the closer you get to discovering your passion,

The more genuine your passion the more rewarding it will be

for you, and for the world