Philosophy World



The fact that so few are accountable makes one wonder if one even knows the meaning of ACCOUNTABILITY

Let me explain


There are two ways of doing something.




The difference between the optimal and not optimal is often ambiguous. Particularly in creative acts.

It is also often NOT ambiguous at all.

Even in the most creative of faculties — some decisions are unequivocally optimal (or not)


When you have a meeting — you are either ON TIME — or LATE.

When you said you would do something — you either DID IT — or NOT.

When you have a list of tasks to complete — you either COMPLETED the list — or NOT.

When you say something is true — it’s either TRUE — or NOT.

And when you say you think something is true — you either DO think that — or you’re just blabbering. Or lying,


You either do something the RIGHT way, or NOT.

Accountable one does things, and he does them the RIGHT way.

One who does things right is rewarded right.

One who does things wrong is useless. Or destructive! The world rewards him duly.


High level accountability is a function of discernment, function of expertise.

It is however all grounded in the basic accountability of being conscientious with the small things

Many of us fail to be accountable on the most basic level

I wouldn’t trust those with polishing my fucking toilet.


Absence of accountability, absence of integrity — lies in our ignorance of our own uselessness (without accountability),

Some of us simply never got their simplest lesson about cause and effect (if cause is magical and effect is magical — obviously one needs not to bother with responsibility!)

The rest of us are simply that deluded.


Accountable = useful

Not accountable = useless. Won’t get the job done.

It’s that simple. It is THE foundation.

So forget your fancy books and podcasts if you can’t fucking show on time.