Lifestyle Philosophy World

Conflict Is Stupid


Conflict is stupid


It’s not true that strong, righteous men must get into conflicts.

Men get into conflicts to prove themselves strong.


Peaceful person doesn’t make enemies. What sense would that make? Enemies don’t make you more peaceful.

Obviously you want to be the peaceful person.

Then why would you get into conflicts, why would you make enemies, and why would you struggle all the time?

Stop viewing conflicts, the conflicts you win, enemies you defeat, as some kind of badge of honour.

There’s no honour. There is only peace you lost.


All those militant attitudes are childish.

Calling names is utterly (fucking) childish.

We don’t see it because we ourselves really love to win. We speak about compassion and togetherness — but we really love to separate the world, the winners and the losers, the thrill of competition.


No, you are not responsible to correct people.

You are responsible to know yourself. To unravel the highest consciousness. To share this consciousness with the world. And to set an example of what it means to understand.


You’ll see petty man justify their belligerence as some virtuous necessary evil.

But it’s only evil. All aggression is just aggression. What for?


Please “love your enemies”.

It’s a beautiful world full of love, which you could choose, for yourself, and for others.

This choice has nothing to do with virtue.

It’s just a better place to live.

We won’t make a better world fighting with each other, stepping over one another.

We must love each other first,

Elevate our consciousness first,

Only then see the collective consciousness advance