Lifestyle Philosophy

Ask Less and Take More


Ask less. Take more


Asking is a movement of entitlement.

Taking is a movement of proactivity.


Asking is a movement of entitlement. Entitlement is movement of delusion.

You are not entitled to anything. There’s only what you do — and what you get.


Taking is a movement of proactivity.

You take action and take what you want.

You take concrete action and you get what you put out.


We ask god to grant our wishes.

We ask boss to grant us the paycheck.

We ask customers to buy more of our stuff, grant us more money.

We ask the other person to love us to death.

This is a wrong mindset. It betrays wishful thinking. You don’t want to be a wishful thinker. You want to be a doer.


Don’t ask. Take more action.

Take the action which results in what you want. Don’t ask. It’s very simple.


Take the action which puts you in a place where you want to be.

Take the action which shapes who you are the way you want to be.

Take the action which grants you with what you want.

Obviously everything is a function of cause and effect.

The cause is the action you take. Don’t ask. Don’t wait for permission.


We make it so ridiculously gratuitously complicated.

Just do what needs to be done already!

Do what needs to be done to get what you want.

Create the cause which renders effect.


“Asking” is insidious

“Waiting” is insidious

“Hoping” is insidious

Each one of those is an escape from doing what is due, getting what you want. An excuse.


Don’t ask. Just give more. Put out more. Then TAKE more.