
Thought Must Be Focused


Thought must be focused.


Looping thoughts are just noise.


Most time we just loop. It can be safely said that most man have very few intelligent thoughts in their lifetimes.



Duly focused, intelligent thought is immensely powerful.

An hour of focused intelligence can yield far greater, deeper, more penetrating insight then weeks of mindless “thought-looping”.



Why are we looping mindlessly instead of perceiving sharply?

Mind was once a tool. We would construct thoughts from the memory, analysing them with our intelligence.

The process however became habitual. Intelligence withdrew — only memory (thoughts) got left.

It’s easier to mindlessly regurgitate the mind’s content then to keep the energy-consuming intelligence sharp.

It’s also easier for the ego to preserve the status quo, the comfort of perpetuity of it’s content — which are beliefs, ideas, memories, conclusions…

Therefore we are so fucking stupid.



It must first be re-acknowledged what intelligence is. What an intelligent method is. What it means to look at the problem duly.

Once we perceive the futility of our habitual mind-movement — we can begin to focus our perception — like an instrument, which it is.

This is the beginning of a tremendous intelligence.