Lifestyle Philosophy Spirituality World

Happiness Is Underrated


Happiness is underrated


Happiness is the true mark of success


We signal success with silly trinkets and titles and stories — rather then with a smile.

Happiness is still underrated when we babble so much about success and money and growth — rather then simply smile.



Happiness is still underrated

The rare happy man with a smile is immensely attractive because he brings the promise of happiness

If he’s truly happy he could actually make you happy!

And if he’s having fun then you will have fun as well

Happiness is immensely attractive. Even on that regard it is underrated.


Happiness is the main goal

(other then self-awareness and intelligence, obviously — without which no goal is even viable, no goal is even a goal)

Happiness is the main goal.

It is not a selfish goal. Because your happiness is world’s happiness. Happy mankind comprises of happy individuals.

We need more happiness and more love.


The world needs more happiness so that it is less evil

and more happy

Happiness is not fashionable enough and underrated

We need to value happiness more

Respect happiness more

Stop giving ourselves excuses to be unhappy

Stop indulging in pride


Ego is obviously separative and insecure

Do you know ego makes you unhappy?

Why would you care about being a great man and respected and beautiful before you are happy? Why if not because of your ego?

We are weak and insecure and therefore we indulge in pride and ambition

And neglect what makes us happy


Please be simple

then you should see what you need

then you should see the futility of “growing yourself”, in an ambitious sense, in an egotic sense

then you should perhaps actually give yourself permission to be happy


be happy


so please

be happy