Philosophy Spirituality

Be With Your Desire

Don’t pretend you don’t want something. Don’t assert that you can’t get something. It’s just another way of deceiving yourself.

Be with your desire. Respect it. Seek to understand it.


You may already know that it’s attainment is not ultimately significant — but the problem of self-delusion is of paramount gravity.

Therefore do whatever you must do which is authentic to you and propitious to your understanding.


Never disregard what is part of yourself for what you perceive to be some ideal.

Even if there are ideals — you won’t fathom them from behind the veil of delusion. Which is what self-denial actually is.


Be simple. Do whatever the fuck you want. Be attentive at it. Be attentive!! Stay present. Know yourself.

Your jesus your buddha your grandmother your teacher your guru your mentor can’t unravel to you WHO YOU ARE and WHAT’S THE MEANING OF THIS

but you can and you must