
More Optimal Then Gym

Health is imperative but don’t delude yourself 5/7 in the gym is the most optimal either for your health or your life in general.

Homo sapiens is not made to carry too much muscle. If you think he is then why it’s so hard to put on the weight? It’s much MUCH easier to stay fit then it is to build muscle.

Lot of muscle can’t be too healthy. Muscle is healthy. No muscle is not healthy.

Exercise is exhausting. It’s the point. It’s the best thing about it.

But most of you need to deploy your energy ELSEWHERE.

Why do you care about your looks so much when your life is in shambles?

Fitness provides another opportunity for escapism.

It’s a new religion in the XXI century nihilistic picture-communication society.

It’s obvious when you actually look at it

The next step is to understand if you yourself haven’t become distracted by vain promises

Being unfit is laughable. It largely betrays fundamental inability. There is nothing more to be said about it.

Being obsessed with fitness is laughable. It’s childish. Have you really nothing more productive to do with your life?

Gym doesn’t make you “harder”. Solving problems makes you harder. Harder and more competent and resourceful.

If you’re fat and lose weight I respect you.

If you build something out from nothing I respect you.

I respect you for solving a problem. I know this communicated your competence, ability, accountability.

I don’t respect you for lifting 1000kg like your idol captain america.

I don’t respect you for enduring a hard life.

I only respect you for the problems you solved. And for being human.

In XXI century it’s insane to not live a healthy lifestyle. The benefits are common knowledge now.

But the next most important thing is to be intelligent about it.

Don’t make a religion out of it. Don’t seek an escape in it. Don’t flatter yourself with it. Don’t idolise it and those associated with it.

It’s common sense. Move a little. Lift some heavy things. Eat some fucking broccoli. Feel better.

Don’t make too big a deal out of it because it’s silly.