
Quality Vs Quantity Is A False Dichotomy

Quality vs quantity is a false dichotomy

Quality is a function of quantity. Quantity of trial-and-error. Quantity of iterations.

You try things. You produce things. Produce prototypes. Produce sketches. Produce ideas.

Some of those are of higher quality. Some are less perfect or less appropriate. But still have some of that quality.

Quality vs quantity is a false dichotomy. What matters is creativity. Innovation. Progression. Evolution. Exploration.

A lot of the same is not quantity. It’s a single unit, copied and pasted.

A single high quality unit doesn’t exist. Quality is relative. It requires another object to qualitatively relate to. And to improve upon.

There is not a question of quality vs quantity

You need both

To discover quality you have to go high-quantity. There is no other way.

Most likely your output will distribute in some normal distribution — with a lot of average work (by very definition), some good work, selected brilliant works, and the MASTERPIECE.

There is not a question of quality or quantity because you invariably produced both. One depends on another.

Those who ponder quality vs quantity are simply not being creative, not being ambitious

“Quality” in that case simply designates a degree of baseline acceptability. There’s no question of progression and definitely no question of excellence

Clinging to details is not “quality”

There’s only the standard — and what is sub-standard.

Are you concerned with standard or are you concerned with innovative?

Clinging to details is merely choosing to focus on a particular aspect.

And what is fine detail today will be the common standard tomorrow

Focus on innovation and not arbitrary standards

Don’t ask “quality vs quantity”

Produce a lot

Give it to the world freely

Keep tinkering and probing and innovating and expanding and exploring

Be simple about it and passionate

Quantity vs quality is a heartless problem, when the passion is not