Lifestyle World

About The Video Games

Yes video games are addictive, rather unhealthy and kinda useless

But so are most things, to some extent.

Like with drugs — video games are not to blame — but misuse

The same misuse we make of money and resources and sex and food


Video games are no more useless then art, or fiction

Definitely no more useless then all entertainment

To many of us — they are more important then putting man on the mars!

Who decides what’s useful and what’s important? It’s your life

To me video games are a waste of real life — but so is landing on mars — for the most part anyway.


Anti-video-games rants either deliberately miss the point — in which case they are deceitfully pushing some agenda — or unawarely miss the point — in which case the speaker is an idiot.

Be intelligent yourself and get rid of this habit of listening to others. Without intelligence you’re worse off then with all the video games in the world.


YOU decide what’s important in your life

The autonomy of your decision, the depth of consciousness and discernment that went to it, THAT is what matters

Your subsequent action is immaterial. You can go play video games all day. So long as it’s a conscious choice, taking into account the entire gravity of the gift that has been given to you: the gift of life, and the limited time to cherish it.


The kind of black and white thinking that video games are victim of is very common and very stupid.

You can obviously go ahead and run a video game and the world is not going to end

Don’t listen to fool who traps you with his rhetorics. He’s pushing an agenda


Actually, video games are amazing

It’s a beautiful product of human ingenuity

It’s just that the real world is EVEN BETTER

This is the only thing that needs to be said about video games.

Whoever says more is either a fool or pushing an agenda for his own ends. Or his meme’s ends.