Lifestyle Philosophy

You Are Scared To NOT Be Boring

You are scared to NOT be boring


The average is the boring is the accepted

The extraordinary is the rejected

We wonder why is everyone so dispassionate and generic

It’s really obvious. The unification is a coping mechanism


Everything of lower consciousness will acquire it’s character from it’s environment

The higher the consciousness the more individuality

To the point that that itself dissolves — to the perfection of unspoiled, unconditioned being


Lower consciousness is scared

Higher consciousness has less and less to fear

You are scared of not being boring

You know you will not survive outside the tribe

And you take yourself too seriously too

Thus you’re scared


“Follow your passion” is a bad advice not because it fails to deliver on it’s promises — but because you HAVE NO PASSIONS

You don’t know what it means to be passionate

Your best concept of that is from the TV

From other people — just like your character


You must do what you want

You must think for yourself

Take your own responsibility


“Follow your passion” is not about you following your passion

It’s about you FOLLOWING YOURSELF (!!) — and from that place for the PASSION to SPRING OUT


When you’re ready to be you… to be ready to be you — you must first be ready to not be a PROJECTION, someone else’s, world’s, culture’s…

This entails facing the entire fear of annihilation,with which you cope through taking all those outsourced identities

Take on this fear consciously and slowly

Observe your thoughts, assumptions

Expand your concept of yourself of life of the world

ACT – life is action, nothing else!

And let the fear guide you


Once you discover yourself

the rest falls into place doesn’t it?

How can you be passionate if you don’t even know yourself?


The path is not from boring and dispassionate and generic to passionate and engaged and original

All that is actually irrelevant (thought it falls into place)

The path is from you, being unconscious of yourself, to you becoming profoundly conscious, and in it an INDIVIDUAL, a SINGULARITY…and perhaps even more then that