Lifestyle World


Pompousness is not just painfully turgid but it outright betrays incompetence, sentimentality and delusion.


If it’s pompous and “inspiring” then it’s probably not very meaningful and intelligent.

You probably want to avoid it.

Energy spent on appearances and emotion is energy not spent on competence and not spent on what actually gets results


Pompousness is obviously appealing to emotions

Since when do you want emotions to guide you in your decisions instead of intelligence?

Pompousness is essentially appealing to NOT-thinking and stupidity


There is no denying that you are just a big-brained monkey and you need to pump yourself up at times

Don’t pump yourself with stupid lowly nonsense of sentimentality, pride and hope

Pump yourself up with your own vision


Obviously you want vision

Without vision you are blind

Vision alone should lead you

When you have no vision then you rely on someone else to lead you, and someone else to “pump you”


This is why national anthems are so turgid and pompous

Politicians so pathetically inflated and sentimental

You and the rest of the fucking sheep needs some fucking guidance

If you had a vision then you wouldn’t have time for all that ideology nonsense anyway