Lifestyle World

You Always Get What You Deserve

You always get what you deserve.

In an infinite time scale the chance of you getting exactly what you deserve is precisely 100%.


Getting-What-You-Deserve is a function of number of iterations.

Sometimes you can increase the number of iterations — sometimes you have to rely on the time to do your bidding.


If you haven’t gotten what you want yet — it means you either haven’t persevered long enough to even out the randomness — or you simply don’t deserve it.


DESERVING is not a matter of you doing “what it takes” or talking yourself into feeling entitled.

That’s because we don’t really have a fucking clue how the world works.

Perhaps you Deserve It. Perhaps you don’t. Perhaps you will do what it takes to Deserve IT — or perhaps it will be for granted.

The only thing that matters is that at the end you DO GET what you DESERVE. Whether you can explain it or not.


EXPLAINING we do. Theorising. Philosophising.

Worse still blaming: that’s criticising, complaining… which is basically relinquishing the responsibility.

Worse of all — we’re not acting.

And unless we’re acting creatively, courageously, EXPLORATIVELY — it’s futile anyway.


I know some of you tried and failed. Trying consumes more energy then talking therefore these days you just talk.

Talkers are not doers and while talking doesn’t make anyone wrong just yet, nor does acting make anyone right already — you’d rather watch DOERS then listen to TALKERS.

And you obviously, obviously don’t want to be the talker.


Action is misunderstood.

If it’s the same action over and over again — then it’s no action at all!

Same roads lead to the same places. Same actions lead to the same result. You will obviously get just what you’ve always been getting.

Critics and philosophers and professors are mostly garbage, believe me, and so are dumb “hustlers”. They deserve all the harsh words for all the suffering, failure and stagnation: collective and individual.


I tell you that 99% of what is said is imprecise or half-true or outright fucking NONSENSE

I tell you most of what we “do” is the same dry routine over and over and over again.

Nobody has a clue and all our actions are mad.

We only ever STUMBLE upon the truth.

It is then that we “deserve”


There are no words you can utter to make yourself “deserving”

Action you engage in render exactly what you get.

You’ve been doing the same shit your entire life and therefore you probably have exactly what you do deserve.

Once you change your actions you will invariably, eventually, change your circumstances.

This is all there is to it.


Don’t ever talk about “deserving”. There is nothing you can say which will not be nonsense.

Be humble and ACT instead. You will get what you will get, eventually, invariably.

Don’t think about it too much. Be intelligent all the time but don’t theorise don’t rationalise don’t philosophise all the time. Whatever you “figure out” is likely nonsense. World is no science lab. Cause and effect is vague. The most intelligent thing you can say is that “A HAPPENED”. “B HAPPENED”. “C FOLLOWED”. “D COINCIDED”. That’s as much as you can say.

Then go back to work.