Lifestyle Philosophy

Worst Version Of Yourself

if you can’t live with the worst version of yourself then you have no business talking about the best version

the higher you climb the harder you fall — and though you end up in the same place — you will have to live with your fall, and you better be ready to live with your fall


see we want the glory but do we want the sweat and tears?

and by sweat and tears I don’t mean the “hard work” and all that superficial shit

I mean to live with one’s own (necessary) repeated failure


and you may say that failure doesn’t exist and you started with nothing and worse case end in the same place

but you don’t believe it

your subconscious doesn’t believe it either


…and you’ll ultimately end up doing what you believe the most

If you deny your own fear of failure then how will you face it?

I tell you what happens: you will RATIONALIZE your inaction

because you couldn’t live with the WORST version of yourself — the one that FAILED.

And if you were to fall down to ground zero, you just know you wouldn’t be able to rise up


have you ever disclosed your grand plans to your close ones and have them one day put you on the spot about the (lack of) success of your ventures?

Perhaps you learned not to ever fail again

Perhaps you learned to shut your mouth

Perhaps you learned not to try

What you should have learned is that WHO CARES YOU FAILED

THIS is the worst case scenario — not only you failed — but you are held accountable for your failures

You actually end up worse off then before — having proven yourself incapable and unreliable

If you can take this — if you can truly live with this — you will not fear failure again


Our aggregate fear of failure is indeed not so much the failure itself as it is the damage done to our sense of self-worth

If you can live with that WORST version of yourself, the low-self-worth version of yourself — it is only then you are fully prepared for success

Otherwise you should be clipping your own wings so as to save yourself from flying, save yourself from falling

You won’t even understand you are doing this

until you’ve faced the WORST VERSION OF YOURSELF