Lifestyle World

We’re Are Just Not Ready For Social Media

Yes, social media can be used positively or negatively

Unfortunately it just happens that at the current level of our societal consciousness it is mostly used negatively.


Drugs are an easy and disproportionate way to make oneself happy. Temporarily

Social media are the same.

Social media don’t necessarily have to be used as a DRUG OF PLEASURABLE ESCAPE — but mostly they are.

Therefore prevalent social media use is getting high — and the social media generation is the generation of junkies.


I wish I could defend social media — but the way I see it we are NOT READY for it.

We’re not even ready for alcohol, mind you.

We’re not ready for most of the modern technology.

We’re not even fucking ready to live in the city.


I don’t hope social media would be banned nor would it resolve the matter.

Our unreadiness belongs to us — not the subject of our unreadiness.

There’s more to learn from our failures then from our successes.


I do wish the ATTITUDE would change.

The least we can ever do as humans is to become CONSCIOUS

With social media: it’s time to become FULLY conscious of their effects.


Again: social media serve:

1) GETTING HIGH (90% use?)

2) Promotion (9%)

3) Exchanging information / education (1%)

(Numbers are arbitrary. Could be far worse then that. I don’t know because I’m not most of the world)


Are you getting high, my friend?

Are you selling?

Are you learning?

Are you killing time?

Are you indulging your ego?

Are you escaping your life?

Are you accumulating (likes, “knowledge”, content, media) ?

I just want you to be aware of what you’re doing

Then ask yourself:

“Is this what I want more of in my life?”

More vain pleasure?

More meaningless validation?

More flicker and excitement?

More avatars and mirages?


At least let’s make a conscious choice

World — at least don’t pretend you don’t have a problem

At least give it a minute of thought or so

Turn off the screen of that pocket fucking televisor and take a look around

Maybe there’s
