Spirituality World

Pop Culture Reflects Us

Pop culture reflects us… and makes us, whether you’re “above it” or not

Learn from your reflection of who you are


You’re not so different than the POP culture

Maybe it reflects the worst of you or maybe worst of you reflects it

There’s a link some of us are trying to deny


Are we not proud and vain and attention-seeking and in need of validation and approval and drama?

When you deny it you only make it worse


Why not use the culture as a mirror, as means of self-inquiry?

Rather than condemn it or reject it — why not learn from it?

Perhaps it would reveal to you something you fail to acknowledge.

Surely it would reveal to you what you fail to acknowledge

You’re human, with all your lusts and shortcomings and prides

You haven’t transcended your nature. You merely domesticated it. It finds escape in pop culture, or culture in general

All this filth is your filth

Take it all in and cleanse yourself