
Useless Intelligence

(High) intelligence is as good as useless when it is not used


The gift of intelligence is only half the equation. Intelligence must be deployed. And this is not so obvious.


Brain requires a lot of power. Intelligence is taxing. We are not wired to be more intelligent then is needed for our basic, pre-programmed survival. Anything more then that is an extravagant dissipation of energy.


Habit is a far less costly a method of making decisions. Instantaneous, effortless, and soundly based on past heuristics. A single good habit is worth countless hours, days, months, years of reflection.

However the strength of a habit is it’s greatest limitation.


Life unravels ever anew

There’s no permanence in this life

The all-important questions, all-important challenges — those can never be solved. That’s because just as life itself — they are a continuous process.


Habit is detrimental to that unraveling.

Where habit brings it’s routine — exploration ends.


Genius is merely access to that pristine creativity which emerges when the past and the beliefs and conclusions don’t cloud the vision.


Intelligence is merely that act of inquiring, of unraveling, which is a commitment, an exertion, and one that can only be when there is not that complacency of relying on the ready solutions and past


It’s a tautologic statement: “be intelligent” — but it must be stressed

We are NOT intelligent until the life truly compels us.

Once this is admitted, understood, perhaps a change can occur.

You must understand your own reluctance to be intelligent, your dependence on past and it’s habits and conclusions, and foremost: you must understand the gravity of ever remaining conscious, curious and intelligent.