
Satisfy Satisfaction

You’ve seen the trap you had fallen into

The futility of outside achievement

You saw the impermanence of things

and now you know that there is no way of completing yourself

there is nothing to complete

no you

only impermanence


You want to be free from this desire to complete yourself,

this desire to strengthen this grand illusion

this compulsive need to attain satisfaction

you want to not want satisfaction

you want to be free


It’s much alike the paradox of enlightenment

you cannot “get it”,

to seek it is to not have it,

to seek it is for you to BE SEEKING,

and this only fosters the illusion of you being in the first place


you see the malicious, impossible to satisfy desire for satisfaction,

desire for completeness,

but the moment you want to be free from it,

now this freedom itself becomes your condition to be satisfied,

now, you are satisfied when you no longer crave satisfaction,

only, when you celebrate your satisfaction of NOT NEEDING satisfaction – that very moment you NEED satisfaction,

see the paradox?


you can only not need satisfaction,


…and this can only be arrived at, perhaps, through profound self-awareness, of this entire process of seeking satisfaction, attaining it and concurrently – losing it.

…only there is nothing to arrive at.


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