Lifestyle Philosophy

Makes No Sense


What doesn’t make sense possibly makes more sense then you can conceive


What you know is stupid is stupid

What you know is clever is clever

But what you don’t understand may be either


You can remain stupid

You can remain clever

In any case to move up

You will need more of that BAFFLING and CONFUSING

Some of it you should find stupid

Some of it should ENLIGHTEN you


you can’t know beforehand

what you know beforehand is what you already have

obviously to expand you have to deal with what you DON’T know


that which doesn’t make sense to you is simply what you don’t know

black swans make no sense to you because you had never seen one

(until you’ve seen one)


we’re so clever we reject what “makes no sense”

we’re only rejecting the truth

as we stay stupid


“Weird strategy” is just a better strategy, as regarded by those who fail to comprehend


“Weird idea” is just a great idea, as regarded by those who can’t bring it to life


“Eccentric” is just the life at it’s fullest, as regarded by the boring


“Weird person” is just someone who actually went his way


Humble up

Do some of that “stupid”

Do something new every day

Get your hinds dirty sometimes

Drop your ego drop your pride

See how miraculous this vast world is, how fathomless and deep