
Ideas Are A Dime A Dozen?

Ideas are a dime a dozen?

Still most people have no ideas


Ideas are a dime a dozen?

Only garbage ideas


Ideas are a dime a dozen?

FANTASIES are a dime a dozen

A good idea is inseparable from execution

Anything you did today you should have 10 ideas of improving and at least 1 proper implementation forthcoming


Ideas are a dime a dozen?

You should be drowning in ideas

When your drowning in ideas and not executing — then you can say you are leaving money on the table, you can say “ideas are a dime a dozen, execution is king”


Obviously execution is inseparable from idea because execution itself is an idea

Have no ideas and you have nothing to execute

Have no idea how to execute and you have no idea


You need more ideas and more execution

The reason you’re not executing your brilliant ideas is because:

-your ideas are not so brilliant

-your ideas are fantasies

-your idea includes a vision of the end but it doesn’t include the vision of execution


You do need more ideas

Ideas are cheap. And thats a good thing

It’s cheap to have a lot of ideas. And potentially tremendously lucrative.


Get more ideas

Get so many you have nowhere to put them

Curate the best of them and bring them to life

Get more ideas and execute more ideas

You need both and a lot of it

Do something new every day