
Exhaust Yourself Then Sleep

You can’t rest unless you get tired


You can’t create unless you are rested


Live in such way that when you end the day — your bed is the sweetest place on earth

Don’t move from that bed until you can’t help but jump the fuck out through the roof


This is not a hustle motivation mind you but a LIFESTYLE ADVICE

You were meant to exert energy and then recover it

Burning energy you don’t have is as much a sick perversion as is failing to duly utilize it when available


There is nothing fancy about productivity

There is not supposed to be no struggle that goes into productivity

All this struggle is just you battling you

You are merely supposed to utilize the energy you already have flowing in you

Your own mind and body should reward you with a pleasant cocktail of neurotransmitters and hormones

Life is lovely and simple


We over-complicate it. Turn it into something which it is not

“Hard work” is how we attempt to bridge the gap between failing and succeeding

Gap we fail to understand, gap we refuse to attribute to matters apparently beyond our control. Like intelligence and skill and talent

Get over that.


When you’re free from ideas about your work and your duties and your place in the world you can act harmoniously again

It really is possible for everything to fall into place — you just have to withheld yourself from ruining it with your conflicting ideas and preconceptions


Your sofa is a perversion too, obviously.

Procrastination is merely a response against compulsion. It’s your own psyche knowing you don’t really want to occupy yourself with a certain pointless, arbitrary task you ambitiously undertook — and it overcompensates by triggering the polar opposite response — a terrible self-indulgent slack



Live in such way that when you end the day — your bed is the sweetest place on earth

Don’t move from that bed until you can’t help but jump the fuck out through the roof

Go all out when you’re inspired

Then drop in your bed

There is nothing wrong with either for as long as it is appropriate

For as long as it is genuine


If you can only be genuine

You have dispelled the entire dreadful conflict of what-you’re-supposed-to-do and how-useful and how-productive you ought to be and all the rest of this nonsense

If you can only be genuine

So live simply

In such way that when you end the day — your bed is the sweetest place on earth

Don’t move from that bed until you can’t help but jump the fuck out through the roof