Lifestyle Philosophy World

You Will Never Transform The World’s Conflict With Conflict


You will never transform the world’s conflict with conflict


The world’s injustice — the rich getting richer, disempowered women, discrimination of minorities — real or not — it will never be transformed by fighting it

You can’t solve conflicts with conflicts


For as long as you view it as a struggle, as a conflict, as a zero sum game between two opposing groups, as a competition — you will get just that

What others take from you you try to take from them

What you take from others they try to take from you

It never ends


You can’t solve conflict with conflict

You can’t draw a line of false equality where there is none

That very line is the inequality itself, is the conflict

Stop drawing fucking lines


The conflict must end

By ending the competition

and bringing about cooperation


The game is not zero sum, it’s non zero sum

There’s a space of mutual interest and it’s far, far greater then the petty scraps petty people pettily contend for


You don’t want to contend for no petty scraps

For your petty egotic sense of justice and pride and entitlement

You don’t want to waste any time in that ugly place of misery, scarcity, destitution


You want to be in the infinitely abundant place of mutual interest

The world of ever-scaling ever-compounding benefits to everyone

The world of infinite possibilities and unending evolution


You don’t want to contend for the puny pride of your nation

You are so much more then your nation

You don’t want to contend for the justice due to your sex

You are so much more then your sex

You don’t want to contend for the pennies taken from you by the evil capitalistic overlords

You are so much more then your pennies

You don’t want to contend for the opportunities stolen from you and your group

You make your opportunities


You want to work with someone whose competent whether he’s black of white

You don’t want to work with him if he’s incompetent — whether he’s black or white


You want to give your wife that masculine that you have to give and you want to give your husband that feminine that you have to give

And you want to receive that feminine and that masculine

You may create something together

There’s what you share — nothing to contend for

Limit it to mutual interest and communion and LOVE

Cut everything else out

Leave nothing to contend for


You want to create opportunities

Not take opportunities

Be happy for the opportunities not available to you

The opportunities you create will be your opportunities, your path

Let others join you on your journey



all the social justice nonsense is just justice + nonsense

justice you never got

justice you egotically felt so entitled to

it was never about the better world

it’s always about you and your ego

you and your need to feel important and powerful

whether you derive that sense from your group or from your “contribution” to the group

get over that group-nonsense


focus on what you can give


focus on nothing else

focus only on what you can give

and leave all that conflict aside

I know you have been in a conflict your entire life because this world is conflict

but you must create a world without conflict


you must create a world without conflict

you create it by eradicating all conflict from your life

this way you eradicate conflict from your relationships with everyone you meet

this way you give a little bit of this world without conflict to everyone you meet

a world of mutual interest






make love not ideology
