Philosophy World

Innovation Is THE Criterion

Innovation is THE criterion.

Not the prestige

Not the fucking pay

Not even how well it’s done

Not even how useful it currently is

Innovation is the only worthy pursuit

Anything less is REGRESSION


Prestige, my friend, is good for children. Are you insecure? Do you have to rely on others to feel good about yourself? Are you a sheep? Do you need others to tell you what to do and even what you are?


Pay doesn’t reflect value.

It may reflect value.

It may reflect adverse stagnation of the system

It may reflect exploitation of the system

It may reflect wickedness


Usefulness is not enough

Quality is not enough

Usefulness of today is uselessness of tomorrow. We need innovation first.

Quality of today is obsolete tomorrow. We need innovation first.


There is no stagnation. It’s either INNOVATION or REGRESSION.

This is why we can have all our PRESTIGIOUS JOBS that are WELL PAYING and USEFUL and we MATCH THE STANDARDS PERFECTLY… and we still regress.

We successfully regressed in the middle ages

And everyone around you successfully regress their entire fucking lives

Everyone but those that progress


…and it’s not even a choice

Progress is not about your EGO — though it will make you grand to the world.

Innovation is not about your success — though it will make you wealthy.

Innovation, progress, is simply the choice of LIFE.

The opposite of it is death.


Therefore you must innovate

How do you even innovate?

The crux of the matter, yes? And yet it’s simple

We fail to learn because we think we’ve learned

We fail to find something new because we ceased exploring

We fail to do anything new because we refuse to experiment

That is easy

It’s also most difficult

We are wired to DOGMATISM. Epistemic arrogance. HABIT. Safety. Comfort. THE KNOWN.

But you must keep learning and keep doing, you must keep exploring, and you must innovate.


Do things differently

Always look for new possibilities

Take your skills to the highest level — guess what’s right above it — innovation


Never settle

Never cease learning


…And forget all the distractions

Innovation is THE criterion

The rest is fucking nonsense

You know it’s true