Lifestyle World


If it has value for you then it has value for someone else


If it has value for someone else then you can sell it


Making money was innately pure and natural


It’s only when greed eradicates the value from the equation is when we suffer: as individuals, as the collective


Doing shit job and bullshitting people just to get the money leads to mediocre pay and little value: to an individual, and to the collective


Buying crap we can’t afford for borrowed money leads to crisis


Making crap to sell to people for money they don’t yet have leads to crisis


If it has value for you then it has value for someone else, and if it has value for someone then it does have value

By making valueless stuff we remain poor

By making valuable stuff we become wealthy


Never just “make money”

Create value

Even when you “make money” you really just remain poor

Create value instead


Create value

Whether you sell it or not — you are now wealthier

If it has value for you then it does have value to someone else

Therefore you should be able to sell it