Lifestyle Philosophy World

Reminder: We Are Ignorant


Every single statement about this dreadful crisis will both be an understatement and an overstatement


Everyone will be very clever and very stupid after the fact


That’s because everyone knows-all only everyone knows fuck all

We learn many things about the nature of matter and learn about cells in human body and the moons of Saturn — but we always fail the lesson about our own ignorance


This crisis will fail too deliver this message, like every other crisis before it

Everyone is blabbering about everything, but not about the limitations of our insight


See the world will move on.

Any problem any challenge is just what it is — a problem, a challenge. Life is nothing less but one unending challenge, and a series of challenges

What must be done must be done and that’s all there is to it. It’s not different to any other point in spacetime — you know what must be done, we know what must be done, and we do it

The world will move on but that is not the point.


The point is: We are ignorant

This can be a beautiful reminder of this truth

A much needed reminded, mind you

We escape the truth about our ignorance

For once our incapability is shoved in our faces

I think it’s great

It’s great for all those who will now learn the lesson


We’re pretty small

We know quite little

We must act without knowing what will come of it

There is little time and what we make of it, SOMEHOW, is what we get

A lot of talking is just a lot of nonsense and a whole lot of nothing, nothing resulting

We are ignorant, never forget it

But we’re still here

And we must do something with it