Philosophy Spirituality

It’s You Discovering You

the game is

you learning you

you dealing with you

you exploring you

you discovering you


the game is

the REAL fucking game is

you with you

you vs you

you and you

you exploring you


the level of difficulty is YOU

the enemy is you

the aid is you

the problems are you

the solutions are you


the better you are the better the challenge

the worse you are the easier the game

the sharper you are the sharper their knives

and if you’re fucking dull then the whole game is to sharpen that knife

sharpen that mind

just enough so that it sees


your eyes are bleeding because you got cut

you enemies knives are sharp

you’re sharp

can you still see?


the game is about seeing



the game is you playing you

you becoming self-aware

THAT is the game

nothing else


you make you suffer

you make you rejoice

you confuse you

you understand you

all the challenges in this life are you

it really is you vs you

and you with you


if you’re intelligent

perhaps you’ll unveil the fucking secrets of the universe

but you still have to deal with your high-level self-deception


if you’re stupid

perhaps with some difficulty you’ll still manage to make ends meet and get good at something and make something useful out of you

but the real struggle is still you being sharp just enough to see you

understand you

and live well

with you



no matter the worldly problems!

you are your problem

whether you’re ugly or silly or good or cunning or gay or woman or businessman or grandfather or evil or satan or carpenter or painter

you are your problem

and that’s the only game you shall play

the only game that matters

note how beautifully egalitarian it is

how beautifully uniting in the same toil of existence

this is the game each one of us plays

the only game that matters

so don’t fuck this up

know yourself, learn yourself