Lifestyle Philosophy Spirituality World

You Are Wired To Feel Contented When Things Are Simply Normal

You are wired to feel contented when things are simply normal

Happiness is not some great mystery

It is the opposite — it is SIMPLICITY


You are wired to feel contented when things are simply normal

When you’re not dying of starvation

When you’re not freezing amidst the snowstorm, far away from your comfty cave

When you’re not running away from the saber-toothed tiger

When your Neanderthal neighbour is not trying to crush your fucking skull!

You are wired to feel contented when things are simply peaceful and normal

Nothing fancy


You are not wired to have a fucking plasma in your cave

You are not wired to have 10 supercars in your cave

You are not wired to have the newest smartphone in your cave


You are not wired to have a very big savings account in your cave

You are wired to feel contented when things are simply normal


You are wired to feel contented when things are simply normal

When your Neanderthal neighbour is not trying to crush your skull

When your wife and friends are not trying to crush your skull

When your boss is not the saber-toothed tiger, hurrying you

When your debt, your ambitions, your plans, your ego are not a fucking boulder squeezing you to the ground

Save yourself from that nonsense — and you are wired to feel pretty fucking good


You are wired to feel contented when things are simply normal

When you’re hunting when you’re hungry

Resting when you’re tired

Getting out on the sun when it’s shining and receding to your cave when it’s raining, before the fire

Running very quick one moment and walking very slow the other day

Loving your cave-woman and loving your cave-family

Cooking that mammoth stew and feasting on it together

Then straying for 1-2 days, a mile or two away from the cave, to enjoy some healthy peace of mind


You are wired to feel contented when things are simply normal

We don’t even know what’s normal any more

We don’t even understand the value of peace

We don’t even understand the value of relaxation

We don’t even understand what it’s like to be genuinely motivated to do something

We don’t even understand what it’s like to work without schedule

We don’t even understand what it’s like to live in a world of actual danger

(yet without any dangers we face)


…and yet it’s nothing mysterious

it’s nothing expensive

your lifestyle is more expensive

your pride is more expensive

your pipe dreams are more expensive

simple life is not expensive

normal life is not expensive

it’s rare, yes

we became collectively greedy and built our lifestyle around that greed

now it made us miserable

we don’t know what’s normal any more

but we can relearn that

we can reclaim that


try it for yourself

don’t try to PLEASE yourself your usual way

don’t try to PLEASURE yourself your usual way

don’t try to SATISFY yourself your usual way

try doing it like you once would

like your ancestors would

look within and see if you’re stressed. release that stress

look within and see if you’re tired. rest fair bit

look within and see if you’re bored. simply do something new!

look within and see if you’re lonely. go meet new people

look within and see if you’re antagonistic. be friendly instead

look within and see if you’re greedy. let go of that desire! live simply for some time!

look within and see if you’re unexcited. do something inspiring

look within your body and notice how it stiffened up after a day of sitting! move yourself!

look around yourself and see your stuffy place, the likely hostile urban environment, the repugnant plastic all around you, the inhuman noises inhumanly persistent… go for a walk!


You are wired to feel contented when things are simply normal