Lifestyle World

Thank You Corona for Less Sports, Panem Et Circenses and All That Fucking Stupid Nonsense

Sport is dumb

You watch sports to kill your boredom

You end up more tired, more lazy, more bored

You hate yourself because you achieved nothing — you were watching sports

You hate your life because it’s terribly fucking boring — you were only sitting in front of a tv


I sometimes play a video on youtube with some great moments by some great sportsman and I admire theirs mastery and magnificence of the show

I sometimes play sports and it’s great to be inspired by some move you saw on the tv

Sports are cool to play and less boring then pushing some stupid weights in an air conditioned room full of dorks

I think we should play sports

We can have some league or something

But spectatorism is evil

Advertisement is evil

And our sport-stars are degenerates and terrible role models

Their overabundance is evil too; It is wrong for a sportsman to finance another sportscar when an entrepreneur or inventor who brought the cars in the first place barely ekes out a living


I am glad corona left those fools unemployed

I would hope it to stay that way

Active relaxation is a beautiful thing — money corrupted it and turned into sports

Competitive mindset is evil. You want to cooperate

(Don’t tell me sport teaches cooperation when at the end it’s a zero sum game)


Watch less sports

Play more sports, stay healthy

Compete less. Cooperate

Don’t “win” and don’t “lose”. Create.

Let’s not pay the sportsmen. Let’s not pay them for exploiting their bodies, advertising useless rubbish, poisonous drinks and gaudy shoes. Let’s not fund their babylonian yachts and lawyers covering up for domestic abuse


If you must admire someone — admire the businessperson. Admire his intelligence and judgement — his ingenuity with judiciously allocating capital to render greatest returns: for himself = for the world

If you must admire someone — admire the artists. Watch their dexterity and vision, and their unpretentious joy and love of the craft (excluding superstars, mainstream modern visual artists, junkies and hasbeens (success destroys))

If you must admire someone — admire yourself. Live the life of your own choosing and life you’re proud of. Do something creative and individual — something only you can do — and be the CHAMPION at that thing, be the champion at what you can give, and be the champion at what only you can give.


Fuck sports hail corona

Fuck your favourite team