Lifestyle Philosophy


You don’t want to pride yourself in your wisdom

This will make you foolish


When you incentivize this ideal of being wise, saying wise things and coming up with wise observations — you incentivize artificial fabrication of wisdom and self-delusion.

this also entails deluding others


You go through your single life and all your wisdom comes from that single life and how you live it speaks all about your wisdom and your wisdom is what directly reflects on your life

It is inseparable

You don’t have to want to be wise

All you need is to want to live wisely


You can’t separate wisdom from a wise life

There is no wisdom without a wise life

Wisdom without a wise life is just nonsense and fraud and delusion


Throughout history we sought to borrow wisdom from others — as though their wisdom could so easily be ours

We created priests and professors and masters and gurus and all kinds of charlatans too

Because we turned wisdom into a commodity

And thus created the wisdom-merchants and the wisdom-makers and the whole business of wisdom-fabrication


Once you had that big stupid book with jews and prophets and shepards

Now you have the wise-sounding sound bites on your favourite social media, designed as much to sound wise so as to entertain your bored and undiscriminating mind

It’s not good for you


And you yourself fetishize wisdom

As though blabbering about it makes you any wiser

Your wisdom is inseparable from your wise (or unwise) life


Seek to live your life wisely

What does it mean, concretely? What is it different to ‘seeking to be wise’?

It means to seek wise solutions to your everyday problems

To your existential doubts

It means to attentively study this miracle of existence, day by day, as it unfolds, like the studious scholar would study his books

This is the meaning of being wise

Don’t ever fucking separate it from your life, from the action

Once you do it — you become a fraud. To yourself, to others


…to others, and TO YOURSELF!

Understand it

You won’t even notice when the world has conditioned you and incentivized you and TRAINED YOU to take this WISE IDENTITY and produce those WISE WORDS

Previously you had no incentive, no reason to delude yourself

But the world rewarded you for your blabbering and once you started blabbering you ceased living

Now you just blabber wise truisms and lost all your connection to the sacred challenge of living wisely and consciously

Don’t let this happen to you


Be modest and unpretentious

Live wisely