
If the Words Aren’t Overflowing You Then You Have Nothing to Say

if the words aren’t overflowing you then you have nothing to say

if images aren’t overflowing you then you have nothing to paint

if sounds aren’t overflowing you then you have nothing to sing


you think it’s a problem that you fail to create something in your life

or that you fail to create “a ton of content”

or that you don’t start that business

no it’s not

don’t do it if you have no calling for it


do you think creating is “hard” if you want to create?

you just do what you want (and create)

do you think improving is “hard” if you want to improve?

you just do what you want (and improve)


the idea of motivation is nonsense

the idea of inspiration is nonsense

absolutely everything is motivation

absolutely everything is inspiration


there is at least one thing that you want to do

there is at least one thing which interests you

there is at least one thing that doesn’t overwhelm you, no matter how low you are

do that thing


be simple

find yourself something useful to do, something creative to do, something exciting to do


and if the words aren’t overflowing you then you have nothing to say

if images aren’t overflowing you then you have nothing to paint

if sounds aren’t overflowing you then you have nothing to sing

DON’T do any of that — find something else

then do it

with care and gratitude