
Do You ASK For It?

How many things you “want” but don’t want

You want but won’t

You say you want but do fuck all about them


Obviously there’s the conscious and the subconscious

You can love it or hate it but subconscious “runs” you

If you “want it” consciously but don’t want it subconsciously — well the subconscious will likely have it’s way

What do we do about it?


We ask

We ask

Can you ask for it?

Can you truly, in complete seriousness, go ahead and ASK for it?

Can you publicly declare it?

I don’t even say “publicly commit”. Many people do that and still fail.

I mean ASK for it.

Publicly ask for it




Ask for it

What is the reply?

The world is probably not going to answer all your dreams THAT easily


World: “NO”

what’s next?



…see we are not simple

Simple people don’t have elaborate excuses

We are not simple and we have elaborate excuses

You have every stupid idea under the sun to what it takes to make more money, be more loved, be more happy, be wise….

But do you even ASK for those things?

Do you even ASK For those things — or are you just KEEPING YOUR IDEAS?

What if I tell you that your ideas are a pile of shit?


Your ideas are a pile of shit

Do you ASK for it?

Do you test it?

Someone pays you. Did you ask him to pay you more?

Someone you want in your life. Did you ask that person for their time?

Something you enjoy doing. Have you tried doing it?


We don’t ask


We just don’t ask

You can say what you want but it’s your actions which tell the story

You don’t ask for it

You don’t ask for it and now you know you don’t really want it

You must ask for it


And your reluctance to ASK for it tells you WHY you don’t really want it

Your consciousness blocks that truth but now it may emerge

You must solemnly and seriously ASK for it

Face the entire rejection of the world

Face the entire failure of finally NOT getting it (rather then pretending you will get it)

And it is only then that you actually can get it

That you’re actually ready to receive