
Success Is a Pleasure for the Successful


Success is a pleasure for the successful


Success is pleasure to the successful and boring to the unsuccessful

More boring then whatever barren activities they engage in

Do you even enjoy doing successful stuff?

It’s ok if you enjoy watching tv. It’s just not what warren buffet enjoys the most

If success bores you, the successful activities bore you — you know activities like LEARNING THINGS, increasing your QUALIFICATIONS, learning to SELL, SAVING MONEY, INVESTING, managing people, scaling, blablabla — if all that is boring to you — well then go ahead and watch your TV instead.

If it bores you — you are probably not going to be very effective at it

How effective were you at the boring school? How effective are you in the boring office?

Don’t pretend you are what you are not and you’ll be far better off

Find something that interests you or find ways to rouse your curiosity in general

Don’t swim against the current because the current doesn’t give a fuck about you