Philosophy World

Selling vs Creating Value

Selling innately incentivizes you to sell out, sell your soul, and sell useless shit in shiny packages

Creating Value is simply creating value and therefore it’s nothing less then that


The point of selling is selling

You sell — you win

You sell because the product, the service is great

Or you sell because you market it well

Because you make it shine with fake gold and fake credentials

Or you make it shine with real gold and real credentials

It doesn’t matter

Value is value and shine is just shine

Either you both gained in the transaction or one of you lost (or both really)

Whatever psychological trick you relied on or information asymmetry or legal loophole or what-have-you — I only care if the buyer got something of value, or not.


Mind you the buyer doesn’t care about value

He wants you to beguile him

And you do

We all do

And we waste all this time and energy, selling crap one to another

Imagine what could have been created with all that time, energy and resources that went into producing garbage vain crap, marketing it and selling it and still buying it and using it

Alas we’d rather be beguiled, drunk with cheap distraction and pretend there’s no hangover


You don’t want to be broke

You do want to feed your family

But you really don’t want to be a seller

You want to be EXTREMELY ARTICULATE, yes.

The irony is unless you’re a seller — you likely undersell yourself and the value you have to offer

But you don’t want to be the seller

You want to understand the value you’re offering

But foremost you want to be offering value

You want to focus on creating value

And the seller can far out-earn you selling useless garbage to other myopic fools like himself

But if you truly understand what value is — your entire life will be overflowing with value

And you will go to sleep knowing that whatever you did give — left the world a better place, and not worse

And that better place is for ALL of us to live, my friend