Lifestyle Philosophy

A Serious Doer

There is no excuse for not finishing the job


That you suck is no excuse

That your work sucks is no excuse

That you compromise yourself is no excuse

That the cost are sunk and you’re just wasting your time — it’s no excuse


That’s because once you start justifying NOT finishing things

You will never be a serious doer

You will always find a nice excuse when the going gets tough


This doesn’t mean you should become a mindless robot

A discipline-fanatic with no brain, just his pomp and dumb collection of “tough” habits

I just want you to be a serious doer


You are only allowed to quit when there is nothing left to quit. When things fall apart completely.

Otherwise you must close the DEAL. You must conclude.

Or else you must take the project to the new heights,

Anything but that is you conditioning your own mind, your own logical apparatus — to find clever ways out — and in it betray you.

You don’t want clever ways out.


You want the kind of resolution that you DON’T TAKE ON PROJECTS which you don’t intend to get something CONCRETE out of

That kind of discernment that you don’t get bogged down in no futile pursuit

And that kind of resolve and ingenuity that when you do get bogged down — you still take something out of it.


Unless you have that kind of determination and consciousness — you will be a DABBLER. You will dabble and leave things half-finished and half-done,

Your excuse will be,

“because it wasn’t going so well”

“because I suck”

“because it was bound for failure”

well you made a mistake in the first place taking on projects you weren’t willing to conclude once matters turned out to not be so smooth


Again, I’m the last one to recommend blind perseverance

What I caution you about is your own mind’s trickery with which it will sabotage your actions

The doubts and fears and reluctances which will poison you

The irony is that both “giving up” and perseverance are by themselves just as stupid

You can persevere with stupid action or you can give up on the right actions. Both are stupid and weak.

You must be more intelligent then either


Therefore you will not take on tasks which are stupid

You will not idiotically persevere but you will close the deal… one way or another

You will not accept any stupid excuse to not finish your job — because your excuse will be just that — a stupid fucking excuse

You will be discerning and intelligent with what you put your hand to

You will be a serious does